Kollywood will observe fast !

The Hogenakkal political issue is turning serious with the Tamil film industry united in condemning the attack on theatres screening Tamil films in Karnataka. An emergency meeting was convened at the Film chamber’s office which was attended by representatives from Tamil Film Producer’s Council, Film Employees Federation of South India and a hostof such unions.

Talking at the meeting Sarathkumar, President of South Indian Film Artists Association said that Tamils in Karnataka and Tamil film industry is the worst and frequently affected in any type of political crisis involving the two states. To condemn this, the associations have decided to observe a day long fast on the 4th of April. He further added that the members of all associations would be required to join the fast expressing solidarity with the Tamils in Karnataka. There would not be any work on that day from morning 6 to evening 6. All outdoor shootings will be cancelled. Sarath further added that artists who are not participating in the fast will have to face serious consequences.

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