Its BIG - Suriya again with Murugadoss ....
t doesn’t get bigger than this! Suriya, who is already committed to do a film in Bollywood with RGV, will now take on a trilingual, to be made in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. And the flick will be directed by none other than our ‘Ghajini’ Murugadoss and be produced by Udhayanidhi Stalin.“It is true that we are doing the film, the shoot for which will begin in February next year. Suriya will play the lead in all the versions,” he said, adding that the rest of the cast for the flick is still being finalized.
Suriya will begin work on this film after his current flick ‘Aadhavan’, and his 25th film ‘Singam’. Harris Jayaraj, who has come up with chartbuster tunes for Suirya, from ‘Kaakha Kaakha’ to ‘Varanam Aayiram’ and ‘Ayan’, will be the music composer.
“It is a complete action flick but we are still in the process of finalizing the script,” revealed Murugadoss.